Colby Lewis Colby Lewis


The title looks stylistic but (to pull the magic Oz curtain back), it’s mainly cause I don’t have the whole hang of this Squarespace blog shit yet(been a minute since my diligent MySpace page crafting days), but I will. Or I’ll just get something coded (shoutout T Brazzle on the site). But I do believe the heading to be true. THIS is why you’re reading this right now. You’ve ventured far enough through the fodder of the Interwebs to read my words. I thought this would be a nice way to share thoughts, poetry, writing, news, drops, or ANYTHING really, a la the Tumblr/MySpace days that I miss because the internet was well.....just the internet and real life was real life. Though those lines get blurred nowadays, I think the best kind of nostalgia lies in doing things that are still useful in whatever form works for you, like a famous author on a typewriter. I desire to be a better communicator and writer, so this will occasionally serve as a “brain dump zone” for that, if you will. The FUTURE is now. My goal is to be as PRESENT with the world as I can be. And if you don’t know me, this is your best way in. Have a blessed day;)


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